Saturday, December 27, 2014

How safe is laser hair removal?

Unless you have been living under a rock is almost impossible to ignore how popular is laser hair removal in Miami. On the same token is important to point out that the percentage of lawsuits surrounding laser procedures by non-physician operator is up 78% in recent years. In a study published by JAMA Dermatology it was highlighted that out of all of these litigations laser hair removal was the most commonly mentioned procedure.

Does this mean that laser hair removal is not safe?

Not at all, Laser hair removal machines as well as all types of chemical depilatories including those used in Brazilian wax treatment are on the supervision of the FDA. Meaning, these are some of the safest devices in the market. However, licensing and training of laser hair removal technicians varies throughout the US. When not performed properly, laser hair removal procedures can cause disfiguring injuries, severe burns and although rare, death.

It is human nature to be competitive and part of being competitive is getting the most for our money. Pursuing cheap deals can have dire consequences on our health and body. If you Google “groupon laser hair removal miami” the result is over 100,000 links offering discounted laser hair removal procedures

The question remains are this a good deal?

In almost all circumstance the laserhair removal cost is directly associated with the type of equipment and the experience of the technician and while one can expect a range of pricing, deals offering 40%, 50%, and even 60% OFF should raise major red flags with consumers. This wide range of pricing for Miami laserhair removal services it is in part the result of the proliferation of non-medical facilities often called medical spas who more often than not offer laser treatments and other cosmetic treatments without a superstition of a licensed medical doctor on site.

It feels good to get a good deal on a given service or product. However, one should never sacrifice quality or experience of provider. The constant pursuit of cheap deals can have costly, life-changing consequences that must be taken into consideration. There are deals to be had. Nonetheless a coupon or discount offer is not a substitute for doing your due diligence. This means, reading reviews, claims and opinions from those familiar with the service or product.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Fighting Wage Garnishment

I don't know what is going on in the court system today but I keep hearing from different people about wage garnishment. In some cases I do understand and I do believe that man should take care of their kids and there's no excuse for being behind on child support and moral obligations. On the other hand the courts especially in Florida can be quite abusive when it comes to this matter. Today wage garnishments is used by just about everybody from credit card companies to the IRS. This actions are taking place without consideration. The reasons many people fall behind is because they don't have the money to start with.

I have seen many YouTube videos and online blogs about eliminating wage garnishments without bankruptcy. In a recent meeting with a prominent Miami bankruptcy attorney I was lead to believe that although there are loan modifications agreements that can be put in place he feels that the federal court is the best tools an average individuals has at its disposal in order to protect their assets and stop wage garnishment.

In South Florida, if you are the subject of a wage garnishment and cannot afford basic living expenses, you may be able to reduce the amount of wage garnishment or eliminate it altogether by hiring a bankruptcy attorney in Miami.

Bankruptcy court offers you many possible options including filing a claim of reception, filing a straight bankruptcy or vacating the judgment. The most common mistake people facing wage garnishment do are the following. First, they tried to ignore it. The wage garnishment judgment is not going to go away just because you ignore it. Once served, it must be addressed with the highest of priorities in order to minimize the losses. Second, hire an experience Miami bankruptcy lawyer familiar with wage garnishment. Too many people are seeking the help of civil attorneys involved and divorces and other civil matters. While these lawyers may have the skill set to impose the wage garnishment order it does not mean they have the experience or skill to fight one.

Other than child maintenance cases, all other wage garnishment cases are best suited for a debt relief law firm rather than by firms dealing with civil cases. Filing bankruptcy stops wage garnishments. When you file bankruptcy, an automatic stay comes into effect that terminates most types of wage garnishments. Once the case is filed, you need to make sure that both the creditor and the clerk of court receive notice of the filing of the bankruptcy.

The type of bankruptcy you file determines the type of long-term relief you receive. We are not going to get into specifics due to the broad range of variables but if you are facing wage garnishments and are unable to meet basic financial responsibilities because of it! It is best if you consult an experience bankruptcy attorney in Miami. Many of the law firms dealing in this area of law offer free no obligation consultation it will be a good idea if you interview with one or two of this type of law firm before making a decision and seek the one whose practice or specialty best aligns with your needs.